Ryszard Kalisz

The Solicitor

A graduate of Department of Law and Administration, Warsaw University. A visiting fellow of University of Zurich in 1985. In 1987 he completed an attorney apprenticeship and since that date he was practicing as a solicitor until 2007. Over that period he was running cases of the largest Polish, Austrian (EVVA) and German (MAN),organizations, mostly on commercial, trade and fiscal laws.

He has been gaining his expertise not only as a solicitor – in 1989 he participated in the “Roundtable” session (1989), and then, as a Deputy Chairman of the State Tribunal (1993-1995) he contributed to establishing of provisions enclosed in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997. Afterwards he held the positions of: State Secretary in the Chancellery of the President (1998-2000), Member of the National Security Council (2000-2005), Minister of Interior and Administration (2004-2005), MP to the Seym of the IV, VI and VII terms (2001-2015), Chairman of the Legislative Committee, Chairman of the Penal Code Subcommittee, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Changes in the Seym Rules of Procedure, Chairman of the Polish-German Parliamentary Group, Chairman of the Justice and Human Rights Committee, Chairman of the Investigation Committee for Examining a Tragic Death of the Former MP Barbara Blida. In 2003-2004 he acted as an Observer to the European Parliament; an arbitrator in the Arbitration Court at the National Chamber of Commerce and Polish-German Industry and Trade Chamber (AHK).

He was honored with the Golden Cross of Merit, Great Cross of Merit with the Star of Merit of the German Federal Republic (Die Grosse Verdienstkreuz mit Stern), I Class Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy, Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis and The Bar to the Distinguished.

His area of expertise encompasses trade, constitutional, penal and civil law, including commercial issues, in particular. In private he is a husband and father to two sons.